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Hair Highlightening


Hair highlighting is a colouring technique where certain strands of hair are lightened to create dimension and contrast in the overall hair colour. Highlighting can be done using various techniques, including foils, balayage, and ombre.

Foiling involves sectioning off small pieces of hair and applying a lightening solution to them before wrapping them in foil to create a barrier. The use of foil prevents the lightening solution from touching other parts of the hair. Balayage involves free-hand painting lightening solution onto select sections of the hair to create a more natural, sun-kissed look. Ombre involves
gradually lightening the hair from the mid- lengths to the ends, creating a subtle gradient effect.

Various types of highlights can be achieved, including traditional blonde highlights, caramel highlights, and even more vibrant colours such as pink or blue highlights. Highlighting can be done on all hair types and lengths, but it is important to take proper care of the hair after the colouring process to
prevent damage and maintain the colou



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