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Permanent Hair Straightening

Permanent hair straightening is a chemical hair treatment involving breaking the natural bonds in the hair to reform them for the creation of a
straighter, smoother hair texture. There are different types of permanent hair straightening treatments available, such as Brazilian Keratin
Treatment, Japanese Straightening, and Chemical Relaxers.
• The Brazilian Keratin Treatment involves applying a keratin solution to the hair, which is then sealed in with heat. The result is smoother, more manageable hair that lasts for several months.
• Japanese straightening, also known as thermal reconditioning, uses heat to permanently s t r a i g h t e n t h e h a i r. T h e t r e a t m e n t c a n take several hours, but the results can last up to a year.
• Chemical relaxers work by breaking down the protein bonds in the hair, resulting in a permanent change to the hair's texture.
Permanent Hair Strengthening Treatment can damage your hair if it is not done by an expert professional. It's important to consult with a
professional stylist who has experience with these treatments to ensure that the process is done safely and effectively. Additionally, regular
maintenance is necessary to keep the hair healthy and maintain the results of the treatment.


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